Clinical Services Pathway

 “The righteous cry out and the Lord hears them; he delivers them from all their troubles…” Psalm 34

Call to Freedom is a nonprofit organization headquartered in Sioux Falls, South Dakota, with a mission to bring wholeness to all individuals impacted by sex and labor trafficking and commercial sexual exploitation by navigating a healing path through our continuum of care model.

Our vision at Call to Freedom is to create a comprehensive CommUnity model of care for individuals, and support communities while educating and advocating to combat sex and labor trafficking and commercial sexual exploitation.

At Call to Freedom, we recognize that those who have been victimized by human trafficking have complex and wide-ranging needs, so we address their experiences and trauma from all angles and are committed to being a constant throughout a client’s journey.

According to the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime, it is estimated that only 1% of victims ever leave trafficking situations because they do not have a safe way out and they are not being identified. Call to Freedom strives to change that.

We utilize a Continuum of Care Model that is shaped by survivor input to ensure we provide holistic and meaningful long-term care to every individual who comes through our doors. The Client Services Pathway walks with each client through the steps of Initial Referral, Emergency Assistance, Meeting Basic Needs, Intake and Assessments, Referrals to Community Services, Long-Term Case Planning, and Independence and Ongoing Support. In this series, we will discuss each step of the pathway and how Call to Freedom guides each client on their journey over time through a coordinated and comprehensive array of services.

McKenzie Huska, Director of Marissa’s House & Outreach Services for Call to Freedom, says, “Call to Freedom has helped victims from across the United States and nearly every county in South Dakota.” She and fellow trained team members operate an intake phone line which is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Many survivors, McKenzie shares, “don’t trust anyone,” making it critical for Call to Freedom to quickly establish trust and safety. Traffickers exploit survivors’ trust, often by pretending to offer help, love, or support, only to manipulate and exploit them for profit. “The trauma of trafficking can profoundly affect survivors’ ability to trust, causing hypervigilance, fear of intimacy, and difficultly forming close relationships. This can lead to a pervasive distrust of others, including nonprofit staff seeking to help. It takes time for them to realize they can trust and to rebuild a sense of safety. Victims are part of a huge criminal industry that is run like a business. By many estimates, human trafficking generates approximately $150 billion per year, making it the second largest criminal enterprise in the world. Many would argue that it is in fact the largest criminal industry. As approximately 1% of survivors exit trafficking situations, the crime is vastly underreported. Victims have been very isolated, manipulated, coerced, and may feel ashamed, unworthy and may be afraid to leave.”

Mary Jackson, Call to Freedom’s Survivor Service & Program Coordinator, serves as a lived experience expert. In Mary’s words, being identified and seeking help is only the start of a survivor’s path to healing. “It is a lifelong journey, and everyone has their own journey. Reaching out for help can be the beginning of a new chapter on the road to healing.”

Becky Rasmussen, President & CEO of Call to Freedom shares, “Call to Freedom developed a holistic approach to serving clients through our Client Services Pathway and Continuum of Care.  Our survivor led programs equip case managers to coordinate with local experts to tailor services to each client. We firmly believe that no single organization has all the answers and resources necessary to meaningfully combat human trafficking. We need each other, and collaboration drives the heart of our work. By creating a strong network of frontline providers, we ensure that each individual survivor’s needs are met, and that they never walk alone.”

If you or someone you know needs Call to Freedom’s services, please call (605) 759-3565.

Written By:

Kelly Hanzlik
