Hidden in Plain Sight
Call to Freedom Presents By Invitation Only!
Hidden In Plain Sight: Community Leaders and a Panel of Survivors of Human Trafficking Sharing Their Life Journey to Shine a Light On Modern Day Slavery.
Survivors will share their personal journeys to educate and bring awareness on the issue of human trafficking.
Rebecca Cary – Survivor and Founder of Hands of Justice, Consultant, Speaker, Educator, and Overcomer Leader. A recent graduate of Sam Houston State University with a major in Psychology and a minor in Human Services, Rebecca is currently enrolled in a master’s program for Victim Studies and set to graduate December 2022. She holds the Survivor position on the board of the Montgomery County Coalition Against Human Trafficking and serves on the Survivor Leader Council for the state of Texas. She was featured in a PSA, as well as a short film, for the new Goya Care initiative, appeared on NBC, and has also been an endorser for the “Can you See Me” campaign, led by A21 in various cities throughout Texas.
Nathan Earl – Principal at Giant Slayer Consulting. Nathan leverages more than 20 years of lived and professional experience to help organizations and communities respond to violence against boys and male-identifying individuals across the social-ecological framework. Mr. Earl is a Fellow of the U.S. Office on Trafficking in Persons’ Human Trafficking Leadership Academy and holds Certificates in Leadership and Human Subjects Research. He serves on the National Council on Child Trafficking.
In 2014, Mr. Earl operationalized one of the first direct service programs for male survivors of human trafficking in the country. Nathan currently assists Federal, State and NGO partners to increase their capacity to prevent human trafficking in the areas of research, policy, collective impact, primary prevention and crisis intervention. He is a member of multiple research teams studying the scope and prevalence of male sex trafficking, acute gaps in mental health care experienced by survivors of human trafficking, and the exploitation of LGBTQIA youth experiencing homelessness.
Mary Jackson – Survivor of cartel trafficking and is a speaker, trainer, & advocate for victims of human trafficking and sexual exploitation. Mary serves on the Board of Directors at Call to Freedom and through her work at Call to Freedom, she leads the Survivor Program as a coordinator. She mentors victims of human trafficking on their journey as well as sharing her own journey. Mary is a vital part of Call to Freedom’s survivor mentor program.
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